Saturday, June 8, 2013

Corner Office: Paulett Eberhart: Paulett Eberhart of CDI, on Gaining the Boss’s Attention

Q. Were you in leadership roles early on?

A. After I graduated from college, I was hired as a billing office supervisor of about 30 people.

Q. That’s a big step for a first management role.

A. It’s one of those moments where you show up at the right time and they needed someone, and I think my college education was important to them. I had the good fortune of working for a woman who taught me a lot. Most of the people who worked there were older than me and they certainly had a lot more experience.

So how do you deal with that? You have to learn to become very humble, and you have to recognize that they know a lot more than you do. I spent a lot of time walking around getting to know them, spending time sitting with them, learning what they were doing, how they were doing it. I think they appreciated that.

Q. You said your boss at the time was a good mentor. How so?

A. She knew that I really wanted to learn, I was dedicated, and I was working really hard. I have found that if people think you’re working really hard and trying, then they’ll spend extra time with you. I learned very early that you’ve got to ask for help, you’ve got to go in and say: “Look, I’ve got this situation and I’m not sure what to do. I want to run it by you.” If people think you’re really trying, they’ll go the extra mile to help you.

Q. Tell me about some aspects of your leadership style today.

A. I tell my team that I expect them to be very honest, brutally honest with me, but in a respectful way. I like to have strong people around me, and they have to be very open and very honest and very candid. So you can’t just tell me once and assume that I grasp it.

If it’s critical and important, you’ve got to come back, you’ve got to tell me, you’ve got to come into my office and shut the door. I don’t care if you have to pound your fists on the table and say, “Paulett, I don’t think you’re comprehending it, I want your full attention, listen to me, this is what I am telling you.” We, at a minimum, need to discuss it or whatever the situation is.

And so I encourage them to be very aggressive with me because I work and I run at a fast pace, and sometimes you have to stop and take five minutes. You’ve got to invite them in and sit down and say: “O.K., what are the issues? You’ve got my full attention. Let’s talk about it.”

Q. You were brought into your current company to turn it around.

A. The board decided it needed someone from the outside who could bring more of a growth culture, which is a lot of what I like to do. I like transforming businesses and then figuring out how do we get a new strategy and start really growing. A lot of that goes back to my early days at E.D.S. because we grew so quickly there.

Q. What have you done to change the culture?

A. I was surprised to learn how many people in the company really didn’t know the company’s history. So I had some people re-create the history and we put together a video, because I think it’s good to know the past that leads you into the future.

I also saw a company that had really talented people, but they didn’t really talk to each other a lot. They were in different silos, and there were actually a lot of silos, given the size of the company. One of the things I heard from talking to our clients is that people from CDI don’t even know who each other are. That told me we weren’t maximizing our opportunities with the client.

So we tore down a lot of the barriers and really got people to think that if it’s good for the client, and good for CDI, then we’ve got to figure out a way to make it happen.

The other thing that I really focused on was accountability. You have to be accountable for your actions. And if you sign up to hit an objective, whatever that objective may be, then the rest of the organization and your client, or whoever else it may be, are counting on you to hit that goal. I felt we needed to push that more. Culture is a hard thing to change. It takes a long time, but you’ve just got to keep repeating things and practicing what you preach.

Q.  I’ve heard a lot of leaders talk about the importance of repetition.

A. People don’t spend enough time communicating. People love to know what’s going on, and you’ve got to keep communicating day in and day out. Sometimes I’ll think, I’ve said this so many times — surely people would get it. But then you’ll go into a meeting and you’ll think, wow, O.K., they don’t get it yet, so we’ve got to continue reinforcing it.

Q. How do you hire?

A. I try to get them to talk about what’s not on their résumé. Part of it is just getting a sense of the person. I’ll say that we’ve all had a lot of successes in our life, but we’ve had some things that we’ve learned from as well, so what are some of those?

And I’ll ask them, “If I were to talk to a group of people who’ve worked for you in different roles, what would they say that’s good about you, and then, what are the two things they would change about you?” And so it’s not so much about the answer — it’s just how thoughtful were they about it and were they really honest?

Q. What career advice do you give people?

A. I think accountability is important. People have to be able to count on you to deliver on what you committed to deliver, whatever that is.

I also talk to people about what I have learned in my career, and what I would do differently in some areas. One of the things I should have done earlier in my career is network more. I thought, just keep your head down and keep working and everything will work out. And I’ve done well, so I have no complaints.

But the advice I give people is to really keep those networks alive and truly stay in touch with people.

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