Sunday, November 3, 2013

Talk: Randi Zuckerberg: ‘I Really Put Myself Out There’

Silicon Valley is known for having a male-dominated work culture. Did you feel as if being a woman affected how you were perceived?
I was too young to understand it. There were a lot of times that maybe I let my hair down a little too much at events, and you know, I think unfortunately, a woman in business can’t do that the same way men can.

You’re talking about all those videos of you singing at company events that made the rounds online.
At the time, I thought, This is so fun, I get to do my passion and my work. Facebook stood for making the world more open and connected, sharing more. And I really put myself out there. I probably should have understood that colleagues and the world were still catching up to that.

You’ve made some social media gaffes, but your new book, “Dot Complicated,” is partly a guide to the etiquette of the Internet. Are you the best person to be giving this advice?
If people can learn from my mistakes, or feel more of a sense of connection with what I’m saying because I’ve shown some vulnerability, then I think we’re at a better starting point.

You got into trouble for tweeting nasty comments about a bouncer who wouldn’t let you into a bar. Regarding that incident, you write, “I had no idea the Internet could propel my single tweet so far.” Really?
Obviously, I knew at that point that a single tweet from someone or a single Facebook post can go around the world. I just didn’t know that my tweets or my Facebook posts could do that.

The book never really goes near the subject of how our personal information is being tied to advertising.
I think as a society we are starting to move on. When caller ID first launched, everyone was up in arms. Everyone felt their privacy was being violated. But you’d be hard-pressed to find someone now who says caller ID is a bad thing.

But that information wasn’t being sold to anyone.
All these services are voluntary. People can use them or not use them if they want. From where I sit and what I see, with the usage of social media going up and up and up — it seems like a very Web 2.0 thing to harp on.

Your sister, Arielle, is working at Google now. I’m assuming she’s there as a spy for the family?
Aw, my sister is superserious about her job. Even without our last name, she’d still be working at one of the hot tech companies.

Would that have been true of you?
I hope so. I got very lucky in that I had a successful sibling who set me on a path in Silicon Valley.

Everyone has a pet peeve about how others use social media. What’s yours?
Parents who post something like, “Ugh, I can’t get my kids to look up from their video games.” And then two seconds later, they post, “I just beat level 4,000 on Candy Crush.”

What are you most guilty of on Facebook?
I’m a marketer, and sometimes I almost can’t take it out of my personal life. I’ve had friends call me and say, “Your life looks so amazing.” And I tell them: “I’m a marketer; I’m only posting the moments that are amazing.”

That drives people crazy about Facebook — that it turns all of us into marketers.
I guess you can see it that way. On the other hand, it’s also making us better storytellers.

You basically get people’s attention for just a few seconds with a photo, or status. I’ve had to stretch myself creatively to post things that I know will get people’s attention.

I think you must put a lot more time into your Facebook postings than anyone I know.
That’s probably right.


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