Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bits Blog: Twitter Appeals to Protect Protester’s Tweets

The little blue bird is standing its ground on this one.

Twitter said on Thursday that it was appealing a decision by a federal judge in New York that required it to turn over a Twitter user’s posts in connection with the Occupy Wall Street protests last year. The case stands to shape how the law interprets what a social media post is and whether the user has a right to privacy over it.

The case concerns a Brooklyn man, Malcolm Harris, who was arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct during a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge last October. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office sought Mr. Harris’ Twitter posts from two days before the day of the protest through the end of the year. Both he and Twitter refused to turn them over.

The judge, Matthew Sciarrino Jr., ruled in early July that Mr. Harris did not have “a reasonable expectation of privacy” under the Constitution and that posting on Twitter was akin to screaming out a window. It was not only a setback for Twitter. It also affirmed the ability of law enforcement authorities to rifle through social media posts for evidence.

The judge had earlier ruled that the defendant had no standing to quash the subpoena himself because he had given Twitter the right to spread his messages across the world.

Twitter has been especially assertive in challenging the government’s quest for those communications. Its company policy is to inform Twitter users when their communications are sought by law enforcement and to allow them to challenge this in court. It did this last year in the case of three WikiLeaks volunteers who were being investigated by the Obama administration.

Earlier this month, Twitter also announced that it would report the number of times government authorities sought information about its users, in a Google-style transparency report. It said that government agencies in the United States had sought information on 948 Twitter user accounts in the first half of this year, more than any other country in the world.

In the Harris case, the company appears to be pushing the courts to deliberate over what constitutional protections apply to social media posts and whether defendants should be able to challenge subpoenas filed by the authorities.

“At Twitter, we are committed to fighting for our users,” the company said in a statement. “Accordingly, we are appealing this decision which, in our view, doesn’t strike the right balance between the rights of our users and the interests of law enforcement.”

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